
Probiotics and what you need to know

Alison Tehan Nutrition / gut dysbiosis  / Probiotics and what you need to know

Probiotics and what you need to know

Probiotics are something that I’ve noticed many people take without really knowing what they are taking and if they provide any benefit. It seems that there is still some confusion regarding the benefits and prescribing of probiotics, especially when they are purchased over the counter at the chemist or online.

To help guide you in purchasing and taking probiotics for maximum benefit, i have provided some information below.

Probiotics can be incredibly beneficial for our digestive health and overall well-being. However, not all probiotics are created equal, and understanding some key factors can help you make informed choices. There are many different kinds of probiotics, or species of beneficial bacteria, and each acts on the body in different ways

Different strains of probiotics offer different benefits. It’s essential to choose a probiotic supplement that contains strains that specifically target your individual needs. For example, certain strains are known to support gut health, acne or osteoarthritis while others may support immune function or alleviate specific digestive issues such as constipation. There is no one probiotic that will provide a benefit for all gut issues.

Where should I buy probiotics?

Most of the probiotics you can buy over the counter are not designed to be therapeutic for a specific condition. I would always recommend a practitioner probiotic brand that includes strain specific live bacteria with evidence of its efficacy. I would avoid taking a probiotic if the strain is not listed on the label. Each probiotic strain has a therapeutic benefit and if its not listed its most likely not a therapeutic dose or targeted for a particular condition.

When is the best time to take a probiotic?

Once you’ve selected a suitable probiotic, it’s essential to follow the recommended dosage and timing instructions for optimal results. The best time to take a probiotic is just before a meal or with a meal, which ideally contains some fat.

What if i am taking antibiotics?

If you are taking antibiotics i would recommend taking a probiotic at the same time.  This has been confirmed in more recent research that they can be taken at the same time as they are absorbed into the body in a different way.  Antibiotics are a drug, they are metabolised by the liver and end up in circulation. to access areas that need the antibiotics. Probiotics travel through the intestine and they work locally. So you can take probiotics at the same time as antibiotics

Should I be noticing a difference taking a probiotic?

If you are taking a probiotic to just support your health and it’s a good thing to do you are probably better off eating fermented foods that contain live bacteria. New research has shown that eating fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut and kefir can increase the diversity of your gut microbiome and support your health. The benefit of eating this food is it will also provide additional nutrients and fibre to support your overall health.

I would always recommend speaking to an experienced practitioner about what probiotic to take before wasting money on products in the chemist.  I have personally seen some amazing results for people who take the right probiotic with the right strain in the right dose and it has been the best investment.

Also the research in this area is constantly evolving so its best to be advised by someone who is familiar with the most recent research and udpates.

 As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to support you on your journey towards better health.